Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I promised myself I would blog while I was in New York. Well I left Friday, it is now Tuesday and you can see I am just now getting on Blogger. Oh well. It has been a jam packed five days and my feet have forced me to slow down for a bit, so I'm going to try to catch up.

So why did I come to NYC? Well I love it, that's the start. Plus I just needed to get out of Norman to be honest. For quite awhile I was contemplating moving here and there is still a part of me that wants to, though I feel like Norman is where I need to be for the time being. I do love it here and I cannot really express how comfortable I feel as soon as I get here, which I find completely random seeing that it is SO very different from where I spend the majority of my time. I finally came to the conclusion that if I'm going to be single right now I'm going to enjoy it. I have the ability to travel, so I am. I am extremely introverted, so traveling alone suits me quite nicely. Plus I have a WONDERFUL friend from college who is letting me sleep on an inflatable mattress in her living room! So NYC was a good fit.

After I got all the plans made and airfare booked I looked at my itinerary and realized that I was flying through DC. I have a good friend that lives there and the initial plan was to meet up for coffee during my layover, which then turned into staying in DC for a night. The beginning of that plan was to skip my Dulles to Newark flight, stay in DC for a night, see the sights and ride into Manhattan on Saturday, well Orbitz had another thought on that. Did you know that if you miss your connecting flight Orbitz apparently assumes you are dead and cancels the rest of your flight? Yeah, me either, however I do now. So needless to say when I got that lovely news the week before my trip leaving me in tears on my lunch break other plans had to be made.

As ridiculous as it is the plan then became as such: fly out of OKC around 11:30 Friday morning, arrive in DC (Dulles) around 3:00 in the afternoon, hang out there until my flight to Newark at 5:20, head to Manhattan to Whitney's, stay Friday night in NYC then get up early Saturday and head back to DC, stay the night and then head back to NYC Sunday afternoon. Are you tired from reading that? Well I'm tired from living it!

Now that we have the game plan I will tell how I made it to where I am now. More to come!

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