Monday, April 25, 2011

Thirty Days: Day 13

a TV show you're currently addicted to

Anything that has to do with these two!

I have never really been one for following the Royals from across the pond, but with this impending wedding I am obsessed! Granted like every other girl in the decade surrounding my birth I wanted to grow up and marry this particular prince. I mean really he had the best pick up line ever: I can make you a princess. Yeah melt my heart. I still remember where I was when I heard that Princess Diana died. I still remember her boys at the funeral. So sad. I am glad that Prince William seems to have found true love. I think Kate is just one of the most beautiful women ever. Not to mention all that she has put up with to get here. I do feel sorry for her to a point (even though I should hate her for becoming a princess!) because the wedding will be such a spectacle (of course I will be one of those watching!).

To William and Kate, good luck and congratulations this weekend!

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